Our Mission
At Vezzoso School of Music, we provide specially trained teachers and an enjoyable, incentivized learning experience for our students. Our carefully refined curriculum maximizes the development of our students’ neurological pathways and their capacity to fulfill their highest potential. This is the magic of a Vezzoso foundational music education.
Music literacy and instruction can help a child make significant, early advances in many facets of life.
Learning a strong work ethic.
Building capability and self-esteem that transfers to other activities.
Accomplishing worthy goals.
Well rounded brain development through forming helpful neural pathways for academic and further musical achievement.
Working with others in ensembles to experience synergy.
Performing for others heightens thinking and achieving under pressure.
Studies Concerning Music and the Brain
“This is Your Brain. This is Your Brain on Music,” NPR report, 2014.
“Music and Language are Processed by the Same Brain Systems,” ScienceDaily, 2007.
Summary, Highlights, and Images from: “Playing Piano in the Mind—an fMRI Study on Music Imagery and Performance in Pianists,” Cognitive Brain Research, 2004.
Next Steps
If you are interested in benefitting from what we provide, please read the Policy Document and request an interview.